Trail Description
The Phillips Lake North Shore trail traverses the northern banks of Phillips Reservoir connecting Mason Dam Boat Launch, Union Creek Campground, Social Security Point, Mowich Loop to a western access point near Hudspeth Lane. Throughout the year trail users will encounter outstanding views while traveling through young growth ponderosa pine forests, grasslands, meadows and historic rock dredge piles bordering the reservoir. Numerous coves and inlets provide opportunities for viewing waterfowl, shorebirds and deer. As a year-round facility, visitors can enjoy the trail for hikes, on their mountain bikes or on cross-country skis.
Current Conditions
This trail is generally clear of snow from May to mid October. Expect winter debris (down trees, etc) in the early season).
Trip Types
Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Snowshoeing, XC skiing
Trail is dry with an exception to muddy crossings across the two meadow areas. Numerous trees across the trail between Mason Dam boat launch and Union creek campground.
The western portion or the trail connecting social security point to Hudspeth trailhead has high water across the trail with a total depth of about 10 inches.